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Date of this Version
Summer 6-18-2020
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This study assessed the research output on Bamboo for a period of 29 years (1989-2018). The web of science database has been used to retrieve worldwide publication records on bamboo research. The records were analysed using the descriptive statistics. Based on the retrieved data, various aspect of literature on bamboo research analysed and interpreted. The performance of the most productivity countries, authors, journals, Institution wise, and Growth rate and doubling time have assessed. The articles were classified as Research, review and others and grouped under 22 subjects to identify the subject coverage of bamboo research. The study found a positive growth in research and review article while very sharp decrement was observed. The growth rate and doubling period were estimated 8.5 and 8.34 respectively. Most of the articles written on Agriculture, Material Science, building technology and chemistry. M. Das (Presidency University, Department Life Science, Kolkata) is the most prolific primary author while R. Kumar (National Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineer, Silchar, India) mostly occurred as secondary author. Local and National collaboration mostly observed in the paper. India is the most productive country of world followed by china and Tamilnadu is most productive state of India. Indian Institute of Technology, India is a premier institute in bamboo research activity.