Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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The study examines the level of emotional intelligence and its elements among university librarians as perceived by the library professionals in the institutions of Higher learning in North India. The study follows survey method employing structured questionnaire. Moreover, a multitude of sources like books, journals, databases, and websites of Universities were consulted to get additional insights. There is an above average level of emotional intelligence perceived for the university librarians with most positive perception for the Delhi University. Among the seven dimensions of emotional intelligence, the respondents have reported highest for value orientation and integrity followed by managing relations, emotional stability, empathy, commitment and altruism, self-awareness and self-motivation respectively. The study shows the emotional intelligence demonstrated by the university librarians and will be helpful in framing the emotional intelligence programmes for the university libraries/librarians. This study determines the emotional intelligence of librarians through a comprehensive, reliable and valid scientific enquiry. Gaining a better understanding of librarian’s emotional intelligence would be useful to suggest measures to higher educational institutions for increasing the level of the attribute by chalking out strategies that will be useful for the university librarians in the longer run and for the institution to achieve excellence.
This study determines the emotional intelligence of librarians through a comprehensive, reliable and valid scientific enquiry. Gaining a better understanding of librarian’s emotional intelligence would be useful to suggest measures to higher educational institutions for increasing the level of the attribute by chalking out strategies that will be useful for the university librarians in the longer run and for the institution to achieve excellence.