Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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The study appraisal of information resources and services in Agriculture University Libraries in Northern Nigeria; the respondents are undergraduate students in Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Federal University Agriculture Makurdi, and Federal University Technology Minna sampled by the researcher. The main objective of the study is to evaluate information resources, services in Agriculture University Libraries in Northern Nigeria with view to examine the types of information resources, and services available, extent of utilization of the information resources by undergraduate students in Agriculture University Libraries in Northern Nigeria under study, while questionnaires were administered to the undergraduate students. The researcher has been taken 0.7% of the entire population of respondents=84278 = 78. therefore seventy eight six (78) copies of the questionnaires were administered to the respondents, however, sixty six (66) of questionnaires were retrieved and analyzed from the different Agriculture University Libraries in Northern Nigeria sampled representing (84.62%), Major findings testify that the current agricultural information resources and facilities available, accessible and utilized are insufficient in agriculture University libraries in Northern Nigeria. and internet services existed in agriculture University libraries in Northern Nigeria but were not well developed; current information resources particularly e-journals, e-books, information resources related to agricultural information such as databases, e-journals, e-books were the information needs identified are not much available. The study recommended, the improvement of the existing information resources, services and facilities for the user’s information needs, subscriptions of offline databases such as, CeRA Journals Indiastat , CABI Abstract Horticulture Online Database, Agricultural Economics Database EBSCO Resource J-Gate Plus Fortnightly to access agricultural information offline with millions of information resources on text books journals available and continue to be added in each seconds. in order to assist the users to access and utilize agricultural information resources; repackaging agricultural information; and dissemination of information to users. These findings suggest the need to formalize and strengthen linkages between undergraduate students and library staff, to improve access to agricultural information, and to formulate policy and regulatory frameworks that are gender responsive. There is a need for policies that facilitate inter- library loan between agriculture University libraries and research institute libraries, collaboration and information sharing.
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Agricultural Education Commons, Higher Education Commons, Library and Information Science Commons