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This study aims to evaluate the research productivity published in fifteen law journals. Data of the survey downloaded from the Scopus-Elsevier database, store, and tabulated in MS Excel to determine the frequency of printed documents, and figure out the number of articles, conference papers, editorials, erratum, letters, notes, review articles, and short surveys yearly. Total 8789 documents published in fifteen law journals from 2005 - 2019, the 6483; 74% of documents published in article format, followed by review 1372; 16%, and note 387; 4%. The Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics published 1240; 14.1%, documents as maximum, and minimum 235; 2.6% by American Law and Economics Review journals. The research productivity of 8789 documents shows that these fifteen law journals published 586 documents annually and 1.6 papers daily. This colossal contribution of law personals indicated the attachment, affiliation, and association with thinking ideas for society's betterment.