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This study assessed constraints and prospects of using e-learning in universities in south-south Nigeria. The descriptive survey research design adopted for the study. Two research questions and six hypotheses guided the study. The population which serves as sample comprised of 132 Business education lecturers. A questionnaire containing 35 items was used for the study. It was divided into two parts. Part A contains three (3) items of demographic variables such as type of institution, sex, job experience while Part B contains 32 items which are based on the research questions. The face and content validity of the questionnaire was done by 3 experts in Measurement and Evaluation and 4 experts in Business education at the University of Benin, Benin City. The internal consistency of the instrument was established by administering 14 copies of the questionnaire to 14 lecturers in Business Education at Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki/south east Nigeria. The data collected were analyzed using Cronbach Alpha which yielded reliability coefficient of 0.87 and 0.82items on constraints and prospects respectively. Mean and standard deviations were used for data analysis. The findings on constraints are: computer illiteracy among business educators using e-learning, high cost of equipment, poor ICT policy implementation, negative attitude of lecturers among others. The findings on prospects are: it makes teaching more interesting, it makes learning more interesting, it allows learners move at their own pace, it provides multiple sources of knowledge among others. The following recommendations are made for the study; e-learning centres should be established in Business education Departments in universities in Nigeria, University management should create a special fund for e-learning in Business education in Nigerian universities.