Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Goals of this study were to know the effect of library’s work environment for job performance of librarians and existence of any relationship between work environment and job performance of librarians. A quantitative study design was carried out to explore phenomenon through the librarian’s perceptions, delights and choices about their administrative center surroundings. Survey method was used in this study. The target population of this study was Librarians of HEC recognized Public and Private Universities of Lahore City. The structured questionnaire was used for data collection from respondents. There had been a hundred and twenty questionnaires dispensed among librarians, the researcher became succeeded in receiving ninety-six questionnaires from members. The reaction rate was 80 percent. Descriptive statistics were utilized for description of information such as frequencies, mean scores and standard deviation. Regression analysis has been performed to measure the impact of workplace environment on the job performance. Findings of the study show that there is the shortage of calm environment to the employees. Job descriptions are not clearly designed. No proper training opportunities are provided to the workers. Employees are not properly motivated. Findings of the study may prove useful in providing a congenial environment to the employees so that performance may be improved.
