Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The extent to which academic staff and researchers are aware of and use online journal publishing systems to publish their work is not very well known. The present study examines awareness and use of online journal management and publishing systems by University of Dar es Salaam academic staff. A cross-sectional descriptive research design alongside a mixed research approach (i.e. quantitative and qualitative) was used to examine awareness and use of online journal publishing systems by the UDSM academic staff. Data gathered through questionnaires and interviews. Descriptive statistics such as frequencies and percentages helped to organise and summarise research data. The study findings suggest that awareness of online journal publishing systems does not match with frequency of using the systems. Occasionally use of the systems is an indication of ineffective usage. The findings also reveal diverse barriers that undermine the effective use of online journal publish system. The study recommends that the UDSM has to take deliberate measures to enhance internet services through increasing bandwidth, internet cables and network systems alongside increasing training on the use of online journal systems, writing, referencing and citation skills.
