Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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It has been observed that the application of Information Technology to services delivery in tertiary institutions’ libraries in Nigeria is scanty thereby making its effects restricted. This study is therefore, geared towards investigating the effects of Information Technology applications on library services and use at the Federal University of Technology Akure if these facilities are available and put into effective use. In order to successfully carry out this study, a survey research method was adopted using questionnaire and interview as the major instruments for data collection. This was complemented by personal observation. Descriptive statistical method was used for data presentation, analysis and interpretation. This employed the use of tables and the description of the findings as highlighted in the tables. It was revealed at the end of the study that a very limited number of IT facilities exist in the tertiary institutions’ libraries in Akure thereby limiting its impact. It lessens the works of the staff, the library’s online journals supplement the available journals in the library, and makes research easier for the users. Recommendations are also given to ameliorate the present situation. Some of these include the provision of adequate fund for the procurement and maintenance of Information Technology facilities, provision of constant power supply, and meeting the training needs of both staff and users of these libraries.
Published in Library Philosophy and Practice (2011) 11 p.