Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Purpose: This study aimed to review the ICT facilities in the public libraries of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The specific objectives were to see the status of ICT resources, check the ICT tools used in delivering services, and point out problems faced by the public libraries in developing ICT infrastructure.
Research Design and Methodology: The study's population consisted of public libraries in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The census-based approach was employed, and data was gathered from library heads via questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 22.
Findings: It was found that most of the libraries did not have electronic information resources like e-books, theses and dissertations and access to the HEC database. Most libraries lacked ICT equipment, including microfilming machines, barcode readers, external hard drives, digital cameras, television and multimedia projectors. The majority of libraries did not use ICT applications like Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Flickr and RSS for library services. The key problems identified by libraries while developing ICT infrastructure were inadequate e-resources, limited staff, lack of financial resources, insufficient IT staff and non-availability of standard library software.
Implications: The study's findings are beneficial to the government and higher library authorities. The critical point to be considered includes 1) LIS professionals and IT staff be recruited and trained in modern learning, education and communication skills, 2) sufficient funds should be provided to libraries to develop ICT infrastructure 3) digital resources should be acquired, and 4) the librarians should have the power and freedom to spend the budget based on the users' needs.
Originality: The study is unique because this is the first study in the country to assess the ICT facilities of public libraries. It will fill the literature gap and guide the researchers to do similar studies across the country.
Keywords: ICT Infrastructure, ICT tools and applications, ICT Facilities, Public Libraries, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan