Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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The purpose of this study is to assess the use of Web 2.0 applications among information professionals in Pakistan and their perceptions about the potential use of Web 2.0 applications for designing and delivering library services. Triangular method of research has been used for this study. It is based on primary data gathered through an online survey. An online questionnaire was designed and the link was e-mailed on the three professional discussion groups/LISTSERVS (i.e. PakLAG, LibCoop and LibrarianWelfare). Initially a pilot survey was also conducted to test the validity of the tool. During the specified time more than 100 library professionals participated in this survey. For in-depth understanding of information professionals' point of view in this regard, semi-structured interviews of a purposive sample were also conducted. The study found that the use of Web 2.0 applications is increasing among the information professionals of Pakistan day by day though their perceptions about many Web 2.0 applications were not very clear. It was stressed by the respondents that extensive training opportunities are needed for the better utilization of Web 2.0 applications in libraries. Findings and recommendations of the study can assist information professionals in designing and delivering Web 2.0 application based information services which will add value to their existing library services. It will also provide a base for further studies on the topic. There is a wide gap in the literature in exploration of Web 2.0 technologies and their current and potential usage in the libraries of Pakistan. This study is one of the initial studies on this topic in Pakistan and thus it is equally valuable for practitioners, academicians and researchers as well.
Published in Library Philosophy and Practice (2011) 11 p.