Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date of this Version
Spring 10-15-2021
Document Type
The purpose of this study to examine the awareness of reference management software tools among the library science research scholars in India. In university research environment citation and referencing is very important in writing scholarly articles and thesis writing. An attempt has been made to know how extend they are utilizing the reference management software tools for their research work and which software tool is user friendly and how long they are using such software tools. Data were collected using online survey method through direct link study reveals that most of the research scholars (81.8%) are aware of the reference management software, highest percentage of the research scholars (54.5%) are attended courses or workshop on reference management software, most of the research scholars (68.68%) are using mendeley for their research work, 35% of the research scholars replied that they satisfied in editing and formatting references in the needed citations style, most of the research scholars (61%) are agreed that their libraries are providing reference management software tools in libraries, highest number of research scholar (38.5%) are facing problem with insufficient training.