Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Department of Library Science, State University of Malang


Radio Republik Indonesia Kota Ende is a broadcasting institution that actively provides information on the Covid-19 pandemic. The results of this information are collected in the form of archives of the Covid-19 pandemic as a record of important events. This study aims to describe the management of the Covid-19 pandemic archive which includes the process of creating, using, maintaining, shrinking, and storing archives. This study used the descriptive qualitative method. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Primary data in the form of information about the dynamic archive management of the Covid-19 pandemic starting from the stages of creation, use, maintenance, depreciation to storage obtained from interviews, observations, and documentation with informants. Secondary data was obtained through books, journals, articles, and documents that support the activities of managing archives for the Covid-19 pandemic, Radio Republik Indonesia, City of Ende. The analysis used is to reduce data, present data systematically, and draw conclusions. The archive management process starting from the use, maintenance, to storage stages has been by the goals and needs of the institution. The creation and shrinkage activities have not run optimally because the pandemic archives are still relatively new. The process of managing dynamic pandemic archives carried out by Radio Republik Indonesia Kota Ende is a form of its role in saving archive history during the pandemic. The process that has been carried out needs to be continuously improved, so that the historical value of the pandemic archive is maintained.
