Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Leveraging the Digital space for Social Science Research: Data Exploration for Information Literacy
Document Type Article
The current study emphasizes on creating digital equity by addressing the digital space for social science research. Despite the enormous space offered in the digital era for piloting research work, this huge space creates ambiguity among researchers to discover the right space to proceed in their area of interest. This study aims to provide researchers a proficient delicacy outlook over digital space, explicitly social science researchers to be in line with world-class researchers. It is evident that the central problem for budding research scholars is to identify the right procedure to use and the right sources to explore. This study addresses the following research questions, notably, why social science research needs to be digitalized? Which web sources or search engines will help to carry forward the research? What are the possible techniques to be used for data analysis? What is needed to be interpreted from the data? and what are the prominent soft wares to be used for bibliographic management? This study clarifies the ambiguity of researchers in context of information seeking, information gathering, estimation of sample size, reliability and validity of the scales, use of trial versions of software, and installing plugins for easy interpretation of recommended indices for research models. Accordingly, the study is believed to identify the digital space for social science research by academicians and librarians, commencing with finding the right literature to follow and concluding with learning an appropriate way for data interpretation.