Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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The study explored the computer self-efficacy and implementation context on the use of KOHA ILS in the National Library of Nigeria and adopted the experimental descriptive survey design. The study was based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology by Venkatesh, Moris, Davis and Davis (2003). The population of the study comprised 170 librarians from the NLN. Random sampling technique was used to choose a sample size of 150 respondents, 120 copies of the questionnaire representing 80% returned, were used for the analysis and 30 copies of the questionnaire (20%) invalid. Data collected were analyzed using significant mean value analysis. The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance, using the Pearson r Correlation statistic. The findings show that staff of NLN showed high level of computer-self efficacy for the use of Koha; some ICT facilities for Koha use such as computers, laptops, internet connectivity, etc., were either inadequate or non-existent in some branches; and staffs were not confident of performing trouble shooting operations when using Koha. The test of hypotheses revealed that facilitating conditions have no significant relationship with the use of KOHA ILS in the NLN; social influence significantly affect the use of KOHA ILS in the NLN; there is no significant relationship between computer self-efficacy of staff and use of KOHA ILS in the National Library of Nigeria; and behavioral intentions of staff on the deployment of KOHA ILS had significant influence on its use. Few recommendations were made based on the findings.