Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date of this Version
Winter 3-20-2023
Document Type
Resource sharing and networking are among the noticeable phenomenon which have not been given necessary attention it deserves as a result of which most libraries are not meeting the information needs and services of their users as at when due. This paper highlights evolving networking and resource sharing among academic libraries in Nigeria. It was discovered that most of the library in developing countries are faced with the precarious issue of non-availability of qualitative services to their numerous library users due to inadequate budget allocation for library, uncooperative or inept attitude of most libraries professionals. Hence, in an effort to curb this perennial crisis, resource sharing and networking between the different libraries came into limelight. The relevance of resource sharing and networking were discussed vis a vis different types of resources that can be shared. The impact of ICT on resource sharing and networking was also stressed and myriads of challenges encountered during the process.
Research Paper