Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version


Document Type



Library Philosophy and Practice 2012



The most valuable resources in Nigeria higher institutions are the human resource; these personnel serve as a major factor in success or failure of various citadels of learning. Human resources in higher institution according to Alani (1993) are the lecturers, librarians, administrators, technical and unskilled personnel. These human resources co-ordinate and process other material resources to produce educational output. The academic staff is directly responsible for teaching and research and they form the bulk of personnel engaged in institutional services, while the administrative, technical and other staff provide a supporting service to the academic staff.

Libraries play an important role in Nigerian education; the main function of an academic library is to provide materials for teaching and research for members of the academic community. Library buildings and large collections without skill professionals pass only as glorified warehouses.

Insaidoo (2001) opined that human resources are the key to sustainable library services in any organization. When the services of any library are evaluated, the staff of that library is indirectly evaluated. There is therefore the need to have efficient and dynamic personnel that can translate the objectives of the library into reality. Therefore, librarians and other supporting staff will discharged their duty as expected if they acquired the necessary skills essential for the job at hand hence the reason behind this research work.

Statement of the Problem

The following are problems to be examined:

  • Can the two University Libraries provide all that is needed to train its staff?
  • Have training programmes been consistent in meeting the manpower needs of the University two libraries?
  • Who received training, and has training opportunities be made available for all the workers in the library?

Objectives of the Study

This study sets out to achieve the following objectives

  • Identify factors responsible for human resources development programmes
  • Examine the various programmes for human resource development in the two libraries.
  • Find out if the human resources development programme in the library can be used to solve the problem of manpower deficiency as currently witness in the two schools
