Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date of this Version
Spring 8-4-2023
Document Type
Postgraduate theses and dissertations include diversified sources of print and electronic information resources that contributed as building blocks of the research output. Students cite and list these resources for purposes of making deduction and/or induction of their felt positions; essentially, to shape the research discourses as well as to resolve societal problem(s). This study ascertains the extent of information resources utilisation among five approved postgraduate programmes (PGDIM, MIS, MLS, MARM & MIM) in the Department of Library and Information Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria using their bibliographies. The study adopted the ex post facto design of the quantitative method to collate data from the approved theses and dissertations from 2014-2018 (five years period). A total of 40,930 information resources were cited that accounted for 82.69% for print and 17.31% for e-resources in 638 theses and dissertations combined. Even though, the reference style approved is American Psychological Association, 6th edition, traces of Harvard (29.90%) and Chicago (18.70%) were recorded. It is concluded that the net worth of e-resources utilisation in bibliography of postgraduate theses and dissertations were significantly low (17.31%) compared to 82.69% recorded for print resources utilized. It is recommended that the student’s exposure to diverse information resources be deliberate to help them balance synthesised ideas and mindful of the audiences served from pool of resources that can enhance knowledge.