Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Document Type
This study is focused on the impact of advertisement on the use of library information resources in Federal Polytechnic Nekede, Owerri library. The study aims at ascertaining the impact of advertisement on the use of library information resources. Three research objectives and three research questions were adopted for this study. A total of twenty three (23) library staff formed the population of the study. The study was carried out using four point rating scale as instrument for data collection. The data collected were analyzed using mean scores and presented in tables. The result of this study revealed that library information resources available in the library are basically book materials while electronic information materials are lacking except computers; advertisement really has impact in the marketing of library information resources in the library, however, it doesn’t aid in the launching of new services in the library studied. It was also revealed that inadequate ICT facilities, fund and fine, language and cultural differences and fear of technology are heavy challenges faced by library in the advertisement of her information resources. Based on the findings, it was recommended that electronic information resources should be provided in order to enable users to be versatile in knowledge; the library should have a public relation officer that will be advertising and marketing library information resources having seen its vital importance and as well, the management of the institution should encourage the library to engage in advertising their information resources and services by providing adequate funds that will enable the library to carry out the operations.