Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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( Accessed 24/11/2010
The paper examined the collection, storage, preservation and other management practices of newspapers at the Serials Department of the KNUST Library. The study was based on the subscription statistics from April 2000 to April 2012, a period of thirteen years available at the Department.Observation was also made to augment data gathered from the newspaper statistics and analyzed descriptively. It was revealed by the statistics that newspapers are subscribed, received and collected on a daily basis (i.e. six days a week) thus creating a huge collection. It was further revealed that the newspapers are bound annually which makes it bulky and therefore not easy to handle. The study also reveals cost, preservation and space challenges as a result of the annual mounting volumes. Some of the recommendations made were that electronic means such as scanning, microfilming and digitizing should be the target and means for maintaining the collection in the near future.