Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
The Culture of Collection Evaluation in Pakistan
Document Type Article
This article aims to bring into light the prevailing evaluation culture in university libraries of Pakistan with specific reference to physical collections. Using survey method, an attempt has been made to explore the status and practices of collection evaluation in university libraries of Pakistan. The study finds out that despite all the insistence for making systematic evaluation at international level, this practice is not common in Pakistan. In majority of the cases, only some informal, unplanned and old-fashioned methods are being used to get feedback. Finally, the study suggests that libraries need to introduce the culture of evaluation in a formal manner to get users' input and meet clients' needs in an active manner. It recommends that library schools and associations should make serious efforts to introduce professionals with whys and hows of collection evaluation process. It is assumed that the study presents some value to understand evaluation culture in other South-Asian countries which almost have similar conditions. The suggestions may be helpful for them also to foster this culture.