Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 2016

Document Type



Report of the Liaisons Models Team, University Libraries, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, spring 2016, 14 pages


Overview and Purpose Statement

In February 2016, Charlene Maxey-Harris proposed a charge to the UNL Libraries faculty to review the local liaison program. The original charge was for the creation of a team to investigate different, new liaison models and research that will allow the Libraries to restructure the current system to develop more collaborative partnerships with research centers and departments; improve the way liaisons communicate and interact with departments, research centers, and other new campus initiatives; allow liaisons to work in their areas of strength; and find ways to assess the impact of liaison engagement and outreach. The information generated by the project team would help develop a more transparent, dynamic structure that would allow the Libraries to align with the teaching, research, and service needs of students, faculty and staff. The outcome of the project team would be a report similar to that created by the Apportionment & Appointment Ad Hoc Committee, which would be presented to the library faculty at the May faculty meeting.

In response to this charge, members of the faculty volunteered to serve on an ad hoc team. Once formed, the Liaison Models Team revised the charge for scope and readability. The revised charge, to which the remainder of this document responds, is as follows:

Creation of project team to investigate alternative liaison models that will:

● facilitate the development of more collaborative partnerships with research centers, departments, and other campus initiatives

● improve how liaisons collaborate with other liaisons

● improve how liaisons collaborate with departments, research centers, and other campus initiatives

● empower liaisons to work in their areas of strength

● positively impact student learning and success

● assess the impact of liaison engagement and outreach

The information generated by the project team will allow the Libraries to align with the teaching, research, and service needs of students, faculty and staff. The outcome of the project team is a report which will be presented to the library faculty at faculty forum in summer 2016.

This document is the report developed in response to the charge. It provides an overview of developments in higher education over the last decade and implications of these developments for academic libraries; identifies University of Nebraska goals that provide opportunities for liaison/library engagement; summarizes the current liaison program at UNL within the context of liaison models in the profession; articulates key strengths and challenges of existing liaison models at UNL; and discusses assessment in relation to liaison programs and librarians. It concludes with recommendations that will allow the UNL Libraries to develop a liaison program that aligns with the evolving teaching, research, and service needs of students, faculty and staff.
