National Collegiate Honors Council
Date of this Version
Document Type
Honors in Practice, Volume 8.
Jim Lacey has offered an insight on the benefits of challenging courses for honors students: he prefers to think of an honors course not as a highly specialized, intensive-writing, and discipline-specific academic course but as the ideal general education course: “The courses themselves, I believe, should be challenging, different, and fun for instructors and students alike. When possible, they should be team taught and interdisciplinary; they should involve off-campus activities; and, instead of papers and exams, they should feature projects, preferably in teams” (79). During the early planning stages of the new course called Museum Experience at South Dakota State University, the faculty member serving as project director had all these components in mind. While this course was specific to the honors college and institutional context of SDSU, its conception, development, and implementation offer an example of how an honors course can evolve from the merger of national ideals with local needs.
Copyright © 2012 National Collegiate Honors Council