National Collegiate Honors Council
Date of this Version
Document Type
Honors in Practice, Volume 10 (2014)
Anyone in the NCHC who is not familiar with the name “John Zubizarreta” is no doubt new to the organization. Some of us know him well enough to have learned how to spell his name, but most people just call him “John Z.” If you haven’t met him at conferences or workshops, then you surely have seen his regular messages on the listserv. In person or in writing, in formal or casual settings, John is generous with his advice and has the expertise to give it wisely.
Professor of English and Director of Honors and Faculty Development at Columbia College in South Carolina, John has been active in honors at the local, regional, and national levels for over two decades. He held the four-year series of NCHC offices from 2008 through 2011, serving as president in 2010. He has been elected to three terms on the Board of Directors, where he currently has a seat through 2016. He has also chaired the Teaching and Learning Committee and is currently a member of the HIP editorial board as well as an NCHC-Recommended Site Visitor.
Copyright 2013 by the National Collegiate Honors Council