National Collegiate Honors Council
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Published in Honors in Practice: A Publication of the National Collegiate Honors Council, Volume 11 (2015)
Students do not always realize that after graduating they will be expected to apply what they have learned. Dimov argued that, while creativity is essential to “the birth of opportunity ideas,” what prospective entrepreneurs do with these ideas is what matters (561). For accreditation purposes, most universities survey graduates to assess and evaluate the perceived relevance of the curriculum, but these assessments often occur years after graduation. Assessment of applied learning should occur earlier when it can create an environment that requires students to work on projects with direct relevance to the campus and community and that involves students in the activities that will be expected and required in their profession. I will propose strategies designed to transform students from classroom spectators to campus and community activists and change agents.
Copyright © 2015 by the National Collegiate Honors Council