National Collegiate Honors Council


Date of this Version



Honors in Practice, 2021, Vol. 17:83–96


Copyright © 2021 National Collegiate Honors Council


This study presents perceived advantages of thematic, teamtaught interdisciplinary seminars for first-year honors students. Two student cohorts (n = 174) surveyed in two subsequent years (2018, 2019) weigh in on the challenges and benefits of different team-teaching models. Three first-semester offerings on the themes “Food,” “Creativity,” and “Social Justice” are evaluated. Results indicate that most students (70.1%) recognize the understanding of multiple perspectives to be the greatest benefit of the team-taught seminar. Other perceived benefits include the acquisition of additional information (21.3), cultivation of critical thinking (13.2), and the ability to make transdisciplinary connections (10.9). Data suggest that the degree of difference between disciplines combined in a class might place restrictions on the choice of team-teaching modality. Authors conclude that while team teaching offers a varied array of benefits to students, there is no one best model.
