National Collegiate Honors Council


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Published in Honors in Practice, volume 4. Copyright 2008 National Collegiate Honors Council.


Predicting the future is always difficult and fraught with many dangers; just ask your local weather forecaster. The process of looking into the future, even if the predictions are in error, is nevertheless an important tool for honors faculty, staff, and administrators; it is part of the strategic planning process that helps develop new and interesting ideas. The goal of this essay is to look over the horizon, make some predictions about what honors education will look like in the year 2025, and encourage people to think about the future of honors. My predictions will most likely seem naive to a reader in 2025, but thinking about the future provides value today.
Out of numerous possible topics related to what the future of honors education might look like, this essay examines three: the transformation of most honors programs into honors colleges, leading to honors accreditation systems; the future similarities between honors colleges and private colleges; and the greater ownership and control honors colleges will have over their curricula and faculty.
