Nebraska College Preparatory Academy


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Nebraska College Preparatory Academy Senior Capstone Project, Spring 2022


Copyright © 2022 Dismas Nsabiyumva


Obesity, defined as having a BMI of 30 or higher has been a progressing health risk throughout the globe. With a spiked increase attributed to the introduction and popularity of fast food. America became a mascot and staple for obesity rates as its increase introduced the epidemic to the world. This affects smaller develops countries which adopt Americas culture and eating habits. In the comparison of First World Countries, many follow similar trends in weight apart from a select few. Each of the countries succumb to the issue due to their similar cultures, ideologies and living conditions. For example, countries found to not have a strong cultural influence nutritionally tend to lean more on the higher BMI index. Of the countries that have stayed separated to the trend, major cultural differences such as prevalent food practices and governmental differences like physical activity influences are found to be the main cause.
