Nebraska College Preparatory Academy


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Senior Capstone Project Poster, Nebraska College Preparatory Academy/Grand Island Senior High 2016. University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Copyright © 2016 Erica Garcia


In the early 1900’s, women were obviously being oppressed considering they lacked the right to vote, to an education, and to freedom. Through bold women who spoke out against the said oppression, women were able to work together to fight for equality. By digging deeper into the literature of the time period, the point of view of an oppressed woman is more easily seen and can therefore be better understood. Women among Woolf and Chopin, for example, Carrie Chapman Catt helped move along the passing of the 19th Amendment with assistance from the NAWSA. Once women got the ball rolling for their rights, it took off and gave them immense success, which continued to be powered by these strong women.

fits my thesis. With all of the work put into learning more about the time period, I realized how women suffered more than lacking rights. Their awareness of this was possibly as much as someone today looking at this time period. Women suffered psychological problems when fighting this internal war of deciding to finally free themselves, or believing the goal was too out of reach and simply played the role handed to them. Future research topics could be from history from the 1950’s to today in terms of accomplishments made by women, second wave feminism, and women’s roles during wars of the 1900’s.
