Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



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"2007–2008 Christmas Bird Counts in Nebraska" from Nebraska Bird Review (March 2008) 76(1).


Copyright 2008 Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


The 2007-08 Christmas Bird Count (CBC) period will be remembered for snow cover and cold temperatures. More counts than usual were postponed due to weather. The average high temperature on count day this year was 28°F and the low was 12°F, both of which are 5-10° colder than any count day average since 2000-01. Only three counts made it above freezing during the course of the day. Snow was also a problem, and although only two circles recorded precipitation on the day of the count, snow cover and ice from earlier storms resulted in stuck vehicles, arduous walking, and inaccessible areas. Open water was at a premium: many counts reported only a few small patches of water in the ice cover.

Fourteen CBCs were held during the period, the same number that were reported last year. Despite the inclement weather, 222 observers participated. The total number of species this year was 130, one less than last year. The total number of individuals (133,106) was the lowest since 1998, due largely to the low numbers of Canada Geese and Mallards.
