Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



"1986 Christmas Count," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1987) 55(1): 3-8.


Copyright 1987, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


One hundred nine species are reported in this year's Christmas Count, eight more than last year. One species was reported present during the count week but not reported on any count, compared to two last year. Calmus-Loup made its first report this year, bringing to eleven the number of localities reporting. Fourteen species were reported on all counts; the comparable figure for. last year was also fourteen. The total individual count this year was 279,291, compared to 124,642 last year and 345,092 the year before. The Snow Goose count at DeSoto NWR and Red-winged Blackbirds and Starlings at Omaha account for most of the increase over last year. The Red-winged Blackbird count in Omaha in 1984 was 255,806, which was responsible for most of the high count in 1984. The columns are arranged in an approximate west (left) to east (right) order, with the northern most of those with about equal longitude given first. The symbol H is used to indicate a species which was present during the count week, but not recorded on the count day. Figures which were underlined on the reports are underlined in the table, to indicate high counts; counts reported as low are overlined. Sightings reported as species" are not included in the count of species reported if any of that group were reported. An * indicates a comment in the text.

Beaver Valley, center NW corner of Sec. 5, T21N, R7W, 1.5 miles S. and 4 miles W. of Petersburg, including Petersburg, Rae ville , Loretto, and Akron (all in northwesten Boone Co.); elevation 1850 to 2150 ft.; habitat coverage: farmland 52%, native grassland 40%, bushy swamp 4%, deciduous woods 2%, coniferous woods 1%, shelterbelts 1%.; 18 Dec.; 7: 30 AM to 5: 00 PM; temp. 16'-'48° F.; wind S-SW 5 - 10 mph.; no snow; still water partly open, moving water open; clear skies all day. 6 observers afield in 1-2 parties, none at feeders. Total 11 party-hours, 75 party-miles; 8 hrs and 10 miles on foot, 3 hrs and 65 miles by car. Harlow Butcher, Mitzi Fox, John Manning, Wayne Mollhoff (compiler), David Stage, Duane Wolff.
