Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



“Notes,” from Nebraska Bird Review (June 1986) 54(2).


Copyright 1986 Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union. Used by permission.


MORE 1985 CHRISTMAS COUNT DATA. This data for the Lincoln count is now available: 5:10 AM to 5:15 PM. AM and PM clear. Temp. 31° to 45° F. Wind NW 10–30 mph. Snow cover 0 to 18 inches. Fresh water frozen. Wild food crop poor. Thirty-five observers, 19–30 in 11–13 parties, 5–16 at feeders. Total party-hours 73 (48 on foot, 25 by car) plus 18 hours at feeders, 3.5 owling; total party-miles 320 (54 on foot, 266 by car) plus 87 miles owling.

CORRECTION TO 1980 MIGRATION REPORTS. In the reports covering the first half of 1980 (NBR 48:73) and the last half of 1980 (NBR 49:17) I mistakenly reported Chukar, but the species I observed was in reality the Gray Partridge.—Wayne J. Mollhoff, Albion

SILVER-HAIRED BAT. At about 8:30 PM on 4 May 1986 two adult female Silver-haired Bats (Lasionycteris noctivagans) were discovered in Fontenelle Forest, on south Stream Trail, near Gifford Road.—Gail La Rosa Roebuck, Bellevue

RECORDS NEEDED. If anyone finds a dead or dying Cattle Egret, Scissor-tailed Flycatcher, or Golden-winged Warbler in Nebraska, please freeze it, record date, location, and collector, and send it to a permanent, well-curated collection for safe keeping.—Ross Silcock, Tabor, Iowa; Tanya Bray, Omaha; Babs Padelford, Bellevue

MEXICAN DUCK IN NEBRASKA. The Mexican Duck is now considered a subspecies of Mallard (AOU Checklist of North American Birds, Sixth Edition, 1983). There are two published records for the Mexican Duck in Nebraska.—Ross Silcock, Tabor, Iowa; Tanya Bray, Omaha; Babs Padelford, Bellevue

DIXON COUNTY. On 6 July 1985 Sue Mabens, of Dixon, saw a Scarlet Tanager 3. 5 miles north of Newcastle, and that afternoon she saw an immature Bald Eagle, flying alone over the Missouri, north of Newcastle.—Elzene Lundgren, Dixon

COOPER’S HAWK NESTS. Free Flight (Raptor Recovery Center, Lincoln) 1:3 has an article by R. Linderholm and J. Wright about Cooper’s Hawk nesting sites in southwest Nebraska.

RED KNOTS. In May 1974, Elsie Bray and I were at Branched Oak Lake in Lancaster County. A flock of shorebirds came around the point: Ruddy Turnstones in bright summer plumage. The next six sat quietly, allowing us to positively identify them as Red Knots!—Tanya Bray, Omaha

BURROWING OWLS. On 11 August 1985 I spotted a Burrowing Owl . . . a second one on top of the closest power pole . . . three Burrowing Owl chicks standing on the edge of the road.—Doug G. Thomas, Alliance

LATE REPORT OF COMMON RAVEN. On 16 December 1971 I saw a Common Raven 1 miles S of Wakefield, perched on a telephone pole by the road, about 75 feet away.—Wayne J. Mollhoff, Albion

BLACK-CAPPED CHICKADEES. One winter we saw from our kitchen window a one-legged Black-capped Chickadee.—Hazel and Fitzhugh Diggs, Hamburg, Iowa

WAYNE COUNTY. On 25 and 26 October 1985 I saw a Le Conte’s Sparrow in a wet pasture with very many marsh plants and some small trees. On 29 November I saw 10–20 Common Redpolls.—Mike Ericson, Wayne

THE PEREGRINE AND THE PINTAIL. On 3 March 1985, while traveling between two of our farms, I noticed a hawk perched in the center of a small pond. With the glasses it was easy to see that it was a Peregrine Falcon trying to lift a Pintail that appeared to be dead.—Lee Morris, Benedict

RED-SHOULDERED HAWK. Ed Brogie, Mike Erickson, and I saw a Red-shouldered Hawk at Gavins Point Dam, Cedar County, 11 January 1986.—Mark Brogie, Creighton

HAWK CONCENTRATION. On 3 October 1985 my father and I were sowing wheat on a field which had a lot of straw on it. The straw provided cover for field mice, and going over the field with a springtooth would flush out a mouse once in a while. I counted 50 hawks. I’m guessing that the group were Swainson’s; they looked as if they wore a tan hood over their head and neck, and had black wingtips.—Leon Marquart, Byron
