Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



“By-laws of the NOU Records Committee,” from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1986) 54(4).


Copyright 1986 Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union. Used by permission.


I. NAME. The name of the committee is the Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union Records Committee, hereafter referred to as “the committee.”

II. STATEMENT OF PHILOSOPHY. This committee exists to serve the ornithological community in Nebraska, not vice versa. It exists to promote and help maintain a high degree of quality and integrity in Nebraska ornithology. All Nebraska ornithologists should understand this and realize that for the committee to achieve these goals, it needs the support of all interested persons. The committee should be regarded as a logical, convenient clearinghouse in regards to records of Nebraska birds. All ornithologists, professional and amateur, are invited and encouraged to use it as such. The committee should not necessarily regard itself, nor be regarded by others, as infallible; and committee decisions should not be seen as reflecting in any way upon the competency of individual observers. Any of its decisions are subject to review upon submission of new evidence. Both individual observers and the committee should feel free to engage in an ongoing dialogue in the open literature. Individuals are also free to independently publish their findings and the committee should welcome this as an alternate way of contributing to Nebraska ornithology.

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