Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



Grenon & Schmid, “Summary and Comparisons of the Fontenelle Forest and Boyer Chute MAPS Stations in Nebraska,” from Nebraska Bird Review (September 2012) 80(3).


Copyright 2012 Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


This report provides results and comparisons of two Monitoring Avian Productivity & Survivorship (MAPS) stations operated in central eastern Nebraska. MAPS is a multinational research project managed by the Institute for Bird Populations (IBP) in Point Reyes, CA ( The project is designed to monitor the population trends and breeding success of breeding birds in North America. Each year, more than 500 participants throughout North America collect data (via the process of bird banding) according to strict protocols and then submit their data to IBP for analysis and interpretation. MAPS began in 1989, and similar studies have subsequently begun on wintering grounds in Latin America.

The Fontenelle Forest site (FONT) was operated from 1990–1998, and the Boyer Chute National Wildlife Refuge site (BOCH) ran from 2001–2010. Both sites are located on floodplain land approximately one half-mile from the Missouri River. The stations are approximately 25 miles apart with the BOCH site north in Washington county and the FONT site south in Sarpy county.
