Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


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Silcock, "Winter Field Report, December 2013 to February 2014," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 2014) 82(1).


Copyright 2014 Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union. Used by permission.


This was a low-key winter season in terms of reportable phenomena of any significance, although three species provided food for thought: high numbers of Rough-legged Hawks, the possibility of breeding Northern Saw-whet Owls in the cedar canyons of Lincoln Co, and the possible impending demise of Black-billed Magpie over most of the state. Also noteworthy is the continuing increase in midwinter reports of a wide range of species that previously have accounted for very few such records. Notable in this respect are waterfowl, mimids, non-oriole icterids, and sparrows; a Say's Phoebe in December was the most surprising record in this group. "Winter finches" were in very low numbers.

Real rarities were lacking; the best in this category were Eurasian Wigeon, Great Black-backed Gull, and Steller's Jay.
