Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



The Nebraska Bird Review, Volume 88 March 2020 Number 1, pp 19-26


Published by the Nebraska Ornithologists’ Union, Inc.


Our theme this year is Odd Couples: two or more different species captured in the same photo frame. Examples appear on the first three pages of photos.

Blue Jay with Great Horned Owl in Plum Creek SRA, Dawson Co., 23 Dec. 2019. Photo by Elizabeth Winter.

Green Heron with Baltimore Oriole on Dark Island Trail, Merrick Co., June 2020. Photo by Colleen Childers.

Wilson’s Phalarope surrounded by Longbilled Dowitchers and Stilt Sandpipers along highway 30 east of North Platte, Lincoln Co., 12 May 2020. Photo by Boni Edwards.

Downy Woodpecker with Carolina Wren on suet feeder in photographer’s yard, La Vista, Sarpy Co., 31 Dec. 2019. Photo by Mary Clausen.

Bald Eagle with leg band and fish being ridden by Eastern Kingbird displaying red crown stripe, Oak Glen WMA, Seward Co., 28 June 2020. Photo by Elizabeth Winter.

Great Egret and Great Blue Heron at Hershey Wetlands, Lincoln Co., August 2017. Photo by Boni Edwards.

Whitefaced Ibis and Blacknecked Stilts in wetlands on the east side of North Platte, Lincoln Co., 3 June 2020. Photo by Boni Edwards.

Brewster’s Warbler and American Robin in the photographer’s back yard, Papillion, Sarpy Co., 21 May 2020. Photo by Phil Swanson. This 2nd generation backcross Brewster’s Warbler is the product of a 1st generation Brewster’s (cross between a Blue-winged and a Golden-winged) and a Golden-winged Warbler, and has been reported only 5 times in Nebraska.

Scissortailed Flycatcher and Lark Sparrow near Table Rock, Pawnee Co., 31 July 2020. Photo by Colleen Childers.

Male Baltimore Oriole and female Rosebreasted Grosbeak in photographer’s yard, Denton, Lancaster Co., 12 May 2020. Photo by Joe Gubanyi

Whooping Crane among Sandhill Cranes at the west edge of North Platte, Lincoln Co., March 2018. Photo by Boni Edwards.

Immature Northern Goshawk at Brownlee, Cherry Co., 2 Feb. 2020. Photo by Gordon Warrick.

Wild Turkeys at CampWaKonDa, Fontenelle Forest, Bellevue, Sarpy Co., 8 May 2020. Photo by Donna Gray.

Swainson’s Hawk, west edge of Kilgore, Cherry Co., 3 April 2020. Photo by Carolyn Semin.

Sharptailed Grouse on lek near Mullen, Hooker Co., 14 April 2006. Photo by Phil Swanson.

Greattailed Grackle, west edge of Lincoln, Lancaster Co., 17 April 2016. Photo by John Carlini.

Introgressant bunting with both Indigo Bunting (brown lower wingbar, extensive blue shoulder patch and breast streaking) and Lazuli Bunting (white upper wingbar) characteristics, in the photographer’s midtown Omaha yard, Douglas Co., 17 May 2020. Photo by Craig Crews.

Least Flycatcher, showing complete eye-ring, large head, and short primary projection. Photo taken in southern rural Dixon Co., 15 May 2020, by Jan Johnson.

Molting Summer Tanager on photographer’s birdbath, Bellevue, Sarpy Co., 19 May 2020. Photo by Loren Padelford.

Prothonotary Warbler eating grape jelly in photographer’s yard, Papillion, Sarpy Co., 14 May 2020. Photo by Phil Swanson.

Yellowbreasted Chat on White River Trail, Ft. Robinson, Dawes Co., June 2020. Photo by Colleen Childers.

American Avocet at Oak Lake, Lincoln, Lancaster Co., 23 April 2020. Photo by Mary Clausen.

Hybrid Glossy/Whitefaced Ibis at Oak Lake, Lincoln, Lancaster Co., on 20 April 2020. Photo by Esa Jarvi

Wilson’s Snipe, south of Atkinson, Holt Co., 17 June 2020. Photo by Mary Jo Rome.

Rednecked Phalarope at Oak Lake, Lincoln, Lancaster Co., 23 May 2020. Photo by John Carlini.

Virginia Rail at Deep Well WMA, Hamilton Co., 19 April 20. Photo by Deb Miller.

Caspian Tern, Branched Oak Lake Area 10, Lancaster Co., 16 May 2020. Photo by John Carlini.

Mourning Warbler in the photographer’s yard, Fremont, Dodge Co., 22 May 2020. Photo by Ken Shuster.

Hooded Merganser young at Pioneers Park, Lincoln, Lancaster Co., 20 May 2020. Photo by Esa Jarvi.

Common Nighthawk at Pawnee Lake, Lancaster Co., 22 July 2020. Photo by John Carlini.

Ringbilled Gulls with fish, Pawnee Lake, Lancaster Co., 4 March 2020. Photo by Sonja Brandt.

Gray Partridges northwest of Wayne, Cedar Co., 16 June 2020. Photo by Mary Clausen.

Henslow’s Sparrow, Spring Creek Prairie, Lancaster Co., 23 June 2020. Photo by Loren Padelford.

Bobolink in Tim Knott Prairie, Saunders Co., 29 June 2020. Photo by Theresa Pella.

Yellowheaded Blackbirds in Seward Co., May 2019. Photo by Clem Klaphake.

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