Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



"Notes," from Nebraska Bird Review (June 1989) 57(2).


Copyright 1989, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


GLAUCOUS GULL IN CEDAR COUNTY, NEBRASKA. On 4 December 1988, Ed M. Brogie observed and photographed a first-winter plumaged Glaucous Gull (Larus hyperboreus) at the tailwaters of Gavin's Point Dam, Cedar Co., Nebraska. It was seen in the company of several Herring (Larus argentatus) and Ring-billed (Larus delawarensis) Gulls, and was noticeably larger than both these species. Its large, bicolored bill, dark eye, flesh-colored feet, and large flattened head were noted. Its body feathers were whitish in color, intermixed with brown fleckings. The wings appeared long and had the translucent primaries characteristic of the species. In subsequent days as many as four or five Glaucous Gulls were observed in the area by several observers. Ellen Brogie and I last recorded the species for the area on 18 December. Photographs of this gull species are in possession of the author and others have been sent to the Nebraska Records Committee.

SPRING 1988 SOUTHEAST NEBRASKA RECORDS. Glen and Wanda Hoge found a male Kentucky Warbler 26 May at Indian Cave State Park (Richardson Co.) campground, and on 28 May they saw two Black-billed Magpies in Jefferson Co., between Fairbury and Powell.

A YANK, NOT A REB. The color original of the Connecticut Warbler picture (NBR 56:99) shows only a slight lightening of the head color as it goes under the throat; why the black-and-white picture shows such a sharp division and change of color is not apparent. But this division prompted a reader to suggest that the bird actually was a Nashville Warbler. Mr. Blake sent him a color picture; Mr. Mollhoff, of the Records Committee, sent him a letter mentioning several points of identification, some depending on color. With this information in hand the reader agreed that it indeed was a Connecticut Warbler. This note is for those who questioned the identity but didn't write.
