Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



Mollhoff, "The Second Report of the N.O.U. Records Committee," from Nebraska Bird Review (June 1989) 57(2).


Copyright 1989, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


This report contains individual accounts of 56 accepted records of 37 species and 8 non-accepted records of 7 species. The records were contributed by 36 observers. This report covers most of the records n66 - n150. At the NOU Fall Field Day on 3 October 1987, the committee decided to act as repository for all photos published in the Nebraska Bird Review. A decision was also made to simply file for record those records which were not deemed unusual enough to warrant full committee action. Thus, the discrepancy between the number of records logged into the files versus the number of records acted upon.

State List

Records included in this report add three species to the Official List:

Great Black-backed Gull, Inca Dove, and Ash-throated Flycatcher. Another record, King Eider, represents the first accepted documentation for the state; however, action on it was completed in time for it to be included in the Official List (NOURC, 1988). Photos of several species which been published previously were scrutinized by the committee while reviewing documentation available for the Official List: Cattle Egret, Phainopepla, and Golden-crowned Sparrow. As time permits, the committee hopes to review other historic records for documentation and possible inclusion in the current files.
