Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



"The Eighty-Eighth (1989) Annual Meeting" from Nebraska Bird Review (June 1989) 57(2).


Copyright 1989, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


Clear skies and good weather greeted the participants (there were 66 registered) at the 1989 Annual Meeting, held at the 4-H Camp at Halsey Forest 19 to 21 May. There was a Board meeting Friday night; Saturday and Sunday mornings were open for birding; there was a tour of the tree nursery facilities Saturday morning, and a Records Committee meeting; Saturday afternoon Reid Miller, of the Agate Fossil Beds National Monument gave a talk on the Monument, followed by the business meeting. All present officers were re-elected: Thomas Labedz, President; Doug G, Thomas, vice-president; Ruth Green, Secretary; Alice Kenitz, Treasurer; Dr. Rosallnd Morrls, Librarian; and R. G. Cortelyou, Editor. It was announced that Alan Grenon and Mark Brogie had been selected for the Records Committee to replace Gary Lingle and Ruth Green, and that Joe Gubanyi had been added to the Committee. At a meeting of the Committee Mr. Grenon was elected chairman. At the banquet that night Kenneth Strom, of the Rowe National Audubon Society Sanctuary spoke on the sanctuaries, followed by a slide show. Sunday morning the Vera Coons Memorial Hummingbird/Butterfly Garden was dedicated.
