Nebraska Ornithologists' Union
Date of this Version
Document Type
Brown, "Note," from Nebraska Bird Review (September 1982) 50(3).
BARN OWL NEST. A Barn Owl nested 2.5 miles southwest of Sutherland, Lincoln Co. The Owl selected a ledge above an overhead door in a farm grain elevator building, built of steel. The ledge was about 8 inches wide and 12 feet above the driveway. The door was opened and closed during the nesting and that didn't seem to cause a problem. Six eggs were laid and all hatched. The day I observed the site (28 July 1982) two young had left the nest and the other four were about ready to leave. The female was at the nest and didn't seem to be disturbed by our presence. The elevator driveway was liberally sprinkled with pellets of hair and bones. Even owls cause somewhat of a little problem. The elevator was used during the wheat harvest as a storage site and the dumping and moving the grain went on for about three weeks.
Copyright 1982, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.