Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


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Dinsmore, "The 2000-2001 Nebraska Christmas Bird Count," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 2001) 69(1).


Copyright 2001, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


The 2000-2001 Christmas Bird Count (CBC) period included nine counts in Nebraska, down one from last year. New this year was the resurrected Crawford count while Kearney and Dakota-Dix were missing (Table 1). These counts reported a total of 117 species and nearly 138,000 individuals, which is not bad for such a cold count period. Counts were scattered statewide, but most effort was in the eastern half of the state where most of the birders are. The top count again this year was Lake McConaughy with 93 species. Other excellent totals included 71 at Harlan County and 65 at Branched Oak-Seward. Not surprisingly, Lincoln (27) and Omaha (22) had the most field observers. This year, the average count recorded 56 species.
