Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


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Paseka, "New Editor for the Nebraska Bird Review," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 2004) 72(1).


Copyright 2004, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


On behalf of the Nebraska Ornithologists' Union, I would like to take this opportunity to announce a change in The Nebraska Bird Review. Dr. Bill Clemente, Professor of English at Peru State College, has resigned as Editor, due to increasing demands on his time from his teaching and research and his family in Wisconsin. His resignation is accepted with regrets, for he has served the publication ably since he took over the job from Rosalind Morris at the beginning of 1998. We thank Dr. Clemente for his years of service and wish him well in the future.

Many of you know me, at least by name. Although my membership in the NOU dates only from 1995, I have served two years as your vice president and two years as your president. I am not a Nebraska native, but I am a life-long birder, having been introduced to the activity by my mother as a young child in Topeka.

I graduated from the University of Kansas Phi Beta Kappa with a B. A. in English and linguistics, but my qualifications end there, since I have spent the time since graduation assisting, and occasionally hindering, my husband Don (also a birder) in our farming operation northwest of Fremont. We have raised three daughters, none of whom has the slightest interest in birding at this point. I appreciate your confidence in me and I am looking forward to the challenge of editing the Review and maintaining the high standards set by former editors.
