Nebraska Ornithologists' Union
Date of this Version
Document Type
Nebraska Bird Review (September 2006) 74(3).
The intent of this paper is to summarize the current state of knowledge regarding "White-cheeked Goose" is used in reference to the various taxa included within the two species Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) and Cackling Goose (B. hutchinsii), as constituted by the American Ornithologist' Union (AOU; 2004). Using culmen measurements, confirmation of both species' and the "expected" subspecies' occurrence in Nebraska was documents, but culmen measurements alone could not confirm the occurrence of any of the "unexpected" subspecies.
As many as 10 subspecies of White-cheeked Goose were described by the AOU (1957), five of which (interiorm maxima, parpives, taverneri, and hutchinsii) were assumed to occur in Nebraska by Rapp et al. (1958). Since then there have been additional attempts to delineate sub-specific relationships. Palmer (1976) attempted to clarify evolutionary histories and relationships among populations of modified the AOU (1957) classification.
Copyright 2006, Nebraska Bird Review. Used by permission.