Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


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Labedz," A Second Specimen Record of Red-Shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus) from Nebraska," from Nebraska Bird Review (March 1991) 59(1).


Copyright 1991, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


On 9 February 1989, while walking in a wooded area of the Sass Farm (Nebraska: Otoe County; extreme northwest corner of county, T9N, R9E, Section 5), Robert and Hope Sass and Liz Otradovsky discovered a dead hawk they could not identify. Telephone conversations with Liz Otradovsky and instructions on how to legally transport the hawk to the University of Nebraska Museum (UNSM) resulted in delivery of the specimen. The specimen was well preserved and showed little or no sign of deterioration, drying, or scavenging by predators that would result from laying outside for a long period of time. It is probable that the bird had not been dead long when found. Identification of the specimen proved initially difficult for the author as well. Consultation of The Birds of Minnesota (Roberts, 1955) and its key to the species of birds of Minnesota revealed the specimen to be an immature Red-shouldered Hawl (Buteo lineatus).
