Nebraska Ornithologists' Union
Date of this Version
Document Type
R.G. Cortelyou, "1993 Nebraska Christmas Bird Count," from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1993) 61(4).
The 1993 Nebraska Christmas Bird Counts are shown in the table in a west (left) to east (right) order, but the narrative accounts are in alphabetical order. In the table those numbers which were underlined (to emphasize the unusual number’s in the reports are shown in bold, and the species for which the names were underlined (to emphasize that the species was unusual in the report are marked * before the number in the particular column. For both Eagles the total number (given first) is broken down by age immediately afterwards, and these numbers are shown in italics to indicate that, to avoid duplication, those numbers should not be included in adding the total individuals. Other species, such as Snow Goose, Flicker, and Junco, have more than one line, but in those cases the figures are independent of each other. "Species" entries, such as for hawks or gulls, were not included in the number of species reported, except that "meadowlark sp." was used if there was no specific form reported. Species seen in the count circle during count week, but not seen on count day, are marked H.
Copyright 1993, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.