Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



Mollhoff, "1998 Nebraska Nesting Report" from Nebraska Bird Review (September 1999) 67(3).


Copyright 1999 Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


Following a hiatus of nearly a decade, this report on the nesting birds of Nebraska reinstates a Nebraska Bird Review tradition that began with an anonymous compilation (apparently by the editor) of the notes from two observers in the 1955 breeding season (Anonymous 1956). By 1965, with the inception of the Cornell Nest Record Card Program, data was collected on standardized cards, with the completed cards being forwarded to Cornell University in New York.

I accepted responsibility for the program several years ago; but by mutual agreement with the/Nebraska Ornithologists' Union leadership, I have delayed work until the Nebraska Breeding Bird Atlas Project was completed. With that task largely finished, I plan to rebuild the network of cooperators who contributed so much time and expertise in the past.

The bulk of this report consists of statements of goals, explanation of format, guidance for future work, explanation of standards, etc. It is followed by a report of my own nesting observations for 1998, and a request for assistance by interested observers in the future.

Since major changes in content, format, and direction are planned, a draft was circulated to NOU Directors with whom I had been working, as well as a variety of researchers, authors, editors, and potential users, to obtain their input. Their comments and discussion proved very useful and made significant improvements in the report. Their valuable contributions are very much appreciated.
