Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



Huser, "Nebraska Ornithologists' Union Spring Meeting, 1994," from Nebraska Bird Review (June 1994) 62(2).


Copyright 1994, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


Although migrants were hoped for, and even expected, migration seemed to be on the wane during the NOU spring Meeting held in Niobrara, NE on May 20-22. Among the 138 species recorded, few were warblers or shorebirds. Several of the warbler species seen were represented by only one individual, so few birders were lucky enough to see them. However, with the area's rich diversity in habitats, unique geographic attributes, and the able assistance of the hosting Leuschen's birders, we saw many of the area's breeding species, some of which were at the edge of their breeding range.

The extensive Bazile Creek Marsh yielded Virginia Rails, a Western Grebe, and a late-reported King Rail. The Niobrara and Missouri Rivers' sand bars and banks hosted Least Terns, a Little Blue Heron, a Blackburnian Warbler, and an extralimital Rock Wren pair, which liked the rock and timber riprap at the abandoned railroad bridge. The Bohemia Prairie trips yielded a Common Poorwill, nuptial American Woodcocks, and a Barred Owl. Scarlet Tanagers, Yellow-throated Vireos, and American Redstarts inhabited the mature, riparian woodlands. The addition of the Boyd County Sharp-tailed Grouse and Greater Prairie Chicken leks made this one of the few places in the country where six species of gallinaceous birds could be seen in one morning. The others were Northern Bobwhite, Wild Turkey, Ring-necked Pheasant, and Gray Partridge. Other notables included a Northern Mockingbird and Lark Buntings.
