Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



Date of this Version


Document Type



"NOU Fall Count 1996; NAMC Count in Two Counties 10 May 1997" in Nebraska Bird Review (June 1997) 65(2).


Copyright 1997, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


The NOU count during Fall Field Days 27-28 September 1996 was centered at the Nebraska National Forest (NNF) , which is mostly in Thomas County, and also included Thomas outside the forest and three other counties: Cherry, Brown, and Blaine (see Table 1). The total number of species was 116 compared to 103 for the same area about 10 days later in 1995. Twelve species seen in 1995 were absent in 1996, and 22 species seen in 1996 were absent in 1995.

North American Migration Counts (NAMC) for Boone and Sarpy Counties on 10 May 1997 are included in Table 1. The conditions for Boone County were as follows: partly cloudy, wind S-SW at 20-30 mph; temp. 33°F in A.M.; compiler, Wayne Mollhoff. The count, made between 7:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M., was part of a field trip for the Albion bird identification class.
