Nebraska Ornithologists' Union


Date of this Version


Document Type



Silcock & Jorgensen, "Summer Field Report, June-July 1996," from Nebraska Bird Review (September 1996) 64(3).


Copyright 1996, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


Starting with this report, Joel Jorgensen will write the reports for sub-passerines. Hopefully this will help with timeliness, especially in getting reports to the Regional Editor for Audubon Field Notes. It is a long process writing up especially the Spring and Fall reports, given the excellent number received.

Highlights in this report are rare loons at Lake McConaughy, three reports of Clark's Grebe, King Rail in Seward Co, Sandhill Cranes in Clay Co, Mountain Plovers in Kimball Co, easterly reports of Black-necked Stilt, first breeding record for Wilson's Phalarope in the Rainwater Basin, Brown Creeper in Sarpy Co, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher in the panhandle and in Harlan Co, Townsend's Solitaire in the panhandle, Wood Thrush in Gage Co, Sage Thrasher in Kimball and Banner Cos, Curve-billed Thrasher in Scotts Bluff Co (pending NOU Records Committee approval), Tennessee Warbler in the panhandle, Western Tanager near Redington, Northern Cardinal breeding near Scottsbluff, Chestnut-collared Longspur in Holt Co, Eastern Meadowlark high count at Crescent Lake NWR, and Red Crossbill in Buffalo Co.

Larry Malone made an interesting observation of a small fallout of migrant passerines at Kilpatrick L, Box Butte Co., on 2 Jun. A northwesterly wind of 15-25 mph led to several observations listed below; notable was the fact that all warblers were females, except for the Tennessee, which was impossible to determine.
