Nebraska Ornithologists' Union
Date of this Version
Document Type
Hoffman, "Significant (?) Modifications in Bird Sightings at Wolff Lake (fall 1979 to spring 1990)," from Nebraska Bird Review (December 1990) 58(4).
One of the problems of having a computer handy is that you begin to start organizing your notes. Recently I began to organize the notes I had taken since 1979 for the Nebraska Bird Review's semi- annual occurrence reports. Partly I wanted to verify my suspicions about variation in the occurrence of several species during that period of time. I try to visit the area called Wolff Lake (a sand-arid-gravel operation on the south side of the Platte River in northwestern Saunders Co. each weekend. But there are many variations, and there are periods of prolonged absences. I average about 20 such visits each half year. On each visit I spend several hours from dawn to late morning walking through the area, and sometimes there is an added walk in late afternoon or evening.
WILD TURKEYS are one of only two encouraging notes in this report. They were introduced into the area in '82 or '83. They began to show up on my lists in Spring of '84. This year they have become abundant with three or four groups of females and chicks (20-30 to a group) wandering around the area, mostly on the Wolff property, where they are not (yet) hunted. They have become almost as tame as barnyard chickens.
Copyright 1990, Nebraska Ornihtologists' Union. Used by permission.