Nebraska Ornithologists' Union



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"Nebraska Ornithologists' Union (NOU) 1995 Annual Meeting," from Nebraska Bird Review (September 1995) 63(3).


Copyright 1995, Nebraska Ornithologists' Union. Used by permission.


At the NOU annual meeting on May 20, 1995, all the incumbent officers were reelected for 1995-96 and are listed on the back over of The Nebraska Bird Review. Thomas Labedz, Lincoln, was elected to the Board of Directors for a three-year term to eucceed Roger Sharpe, Omaha, who completed his term.

On the Records Committee, the Board approved three-year terms for Robin Harding, Gibbon; Joel Jorgensen, Blair; and Thomas Labedz, Lincoln. They replaced the expired terms of Alan Grenon and Rick Wright, and the resignation of William Scharf, who moved away from Nebraska. The Board approved the reappointment of Mark Brogie, Creighton, to a second three-year term. The other members of the Records Committee are Bill Huser, South Sioux city; Loren Padelford, Bellevue; Ross Silcock, Tabor, IA· and Joe GUbanyi, Chairperson, Seward. [Ed.: The Records co~mittee was formed in 1985. Its purposes are to review and document unusual reports of birds seen in Nebraska; to keep current an official list of the birds occurring in Nebraska, with documented evidence that is maintained for use by researchers; and to provide guidance in methods of improving identification and documentation. This is a very important committee, and the commitment of its members is recognized and appreciated.]
